Predict stocks' prices and win cash!




Other Prizes

How it works

Subscribe and create your profile

Get your coupons, called “lemons”, to be eligible to win a prize

Submit your prediction about a stock price and participate in lottery to win cash

Lottery will take place on weekly basis

50% of users will win prizes!!!

Total value of monthly prizes will be ‘00s of dollars distributed to ‘00s of users!

- Submit your prediction on Monday before market opens and try to guess stock price after Friday's closing
- Amount to be won before each lottery, will be announced in advance
- A ranking will be formed based on more successful predictions
- Be a Top Performer, predict a stock price correctly, so that you increase your chance to win!
- Many more features and ways to win prizes are on the way!

Book your subscription now, get your lemons
and have 50% discount for all packages!*

*Till the platform opens

Lemons' Packages



*Not eligible for receiving any prize




$4.90/2 lemons


$6.90/3 lemons


$9.90/5 lemons

What people say about lemontrade


When you win a monetary prize, you will receive it almost immediately. There are no restrictions about minimum amount that you can get. It might take some business days to actually receive it, but this has to do with transaction processing times and not our policy.

No. In order to participate to lottery and win cash, you will have to buy a coupon, called “lemon”.

You can submit as many predictions as you want, as long as you have enough lemons. Each prediction costs one lemon.

No. You have to submit your prediction before market is open on Monday and only for the current week. For next week, you can submit only after Friday’s closing, before next round starts.

You can win free lemons if you are in the Top 10 performers for 3 consequitive weeks

No. Value of the prizes might be different from week to week and are depending on the total number of users participating in every round. They will be announced before each round begins, so you can check if you want to participate.